传真 :021-57891301
:15901891893 万经理
15601911401 万经理
设备型号/Model | SW-50/100/200/300(可定制/Customizable) |
激光功率/laser power | 50W/100W/300W(可选/ Custinuzavke) |
激光波长/Wavelength | 650~2000nm |
运动方式/Movement mode | 单点焊接(可选整形光斑)/Single point welding (optional shaping spot |
机械手品牌/Robot brand | ABB/KUKA(可选/ Custinuzavke) |
控制系统/Control system | 西门子PLC/SIEMENS PLC |
焊接工位/Welding station | 单工位/双工位(可选)/Single station / double station (optional) |
上下料方式/feeding and unloading mode | 手动或自动/Manual or automatic |
工作温度/working temperature | 温度:10℃~35℃湿度:5%~85%要求设备应用环境通风无尘/Temperature: 10 ~35, humidity:5%~85%, the equipment application environment, ventilation and dust-free |
冷却方式/Cooling method | 风冷<100W激光功率<水冷(根据光源)/Air cooling 100W water cooling (according to light source |
电力需求/Power demand | 单相AC380(±10%)/50~60Hz、30A |
产地/Origin | 中国上海(China) |
机器重量/Weight | 2500KG |
设备型号/Model | SW-50/100/200/300(可定制/Customizable) |
激光功率/laser power | 50W/100W/300W(可选/ Custinuzavke) |
激光波长/Wavelength | 650~2000nm |
运动方式/Movement mode | 单点焊接(可选整形光斑)/Single point welding (optional shaping spot |
机械手品牌/Robot brand | ABB/KUKA(可选/ Custinuzavke) |
控制系统/Control system | 西门子PLC/SIEMENS PLC |
焊接工位/Welding station | 单工位/双工位(可选)/Single station / double station (optional) |
上下料方式/feeding and unloading mode | 手动或自动/Manual or automatic |
工作温度/working temperature | 温度:10℃~35℃湿度:5%~85%要求设备应用环境通风无尘/Temperature: 10 ~35, humidity:5%~85%, the equipment application environment, ventilation and dust-free |
冷却方式/Cooling method | 风冷<100W激光功率<水冷(根据光源)/Air cooling 100W water cooling (according to light source |
电力需求/Power demand | 单相AC380(±10%)/50~60Hz、30A |
产地/Origin | 中国上海(China) |
机器重量/Weight | 2500KG |